steppe to step

One of riverborn Ejinn, Dalai is raring to bring in fish from any given body of water and grill it to perfection. Seeking the tastiest fillet? The most contagious smile? A hug strong enough to crush your heart (and spices)?The fish is already on the plate.

With knife and steady hand, the younger brother flaunts precision. Though of few but soft words, Jikhüüngerel unabashedly asserts flavours of the steppe in his dishes no matter the distance from his homeland.And he delivers.
Big Catch is not a real establishment.
Do not use Big Catch, Dalai, or Jikhüüngerel without our express permission;
these are our personal OCs and headcanons.Art by nichroous
Dalai belongs to Xia
Jikhüüngerel belongs to Nix